When I get a new job...
When I lose 10 pounds...
When I get the kids off to college...
When I get married...
When I turn 30...
When I get a promotion...
When I make a little more money...
When I retire...
The list goes on an on an on an on.
I find that most people are so consumed with reaching whatever the "when I" state is they fail to enjoy the journey that is life. They don't enjoy the phase of life they are currently in nor do they really appreciate the things (materialistic and non materialistic) they have already been blessed with.
Perhaps the most ironic thing is that "when I" never ends. It's a never ending cycle.
I am a firm believer in goals, plans and dreams, but we need to make sure we aren't missing the forest for the trees as we strive for our personal "when I." It's our duty to enjoy the journey that is life and to take time to smell the roses along the way to "when I."