Thursday, May 31, 2007

A Dream Deferred

A Dream Deferred
by Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore-- And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over-- like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?

Saturday, May 26, 2007


Sometimes the best things in life are those which are often misunderstood.

I remember when I was younger (and even recently) my mother warning me not to become common. She was basically telling me to dare to be different in an "old in between the lines" kind of way. She was encouraging me to go against the grain.

So often we become common as we fall prey to the status quo. We do things because other people are doing them, we fall victim to peer pressure or we try to keep up with "The Jones." The status quo is not necessarily a bad thing. In common land, people are often accepted and quite comfortable, but why settle for comfort when you can be GREAT?

It's okay to be misunderstood. Look at Albert Einstein, Terell Owens, Kanye West, Wendy Williams, Hillary & Bill Clinton. Several of the decisions these individuals have made have been misunderstood and scrutinized by the general public, but they have definitely left a mark on modern day society.

Be a little misunderstood. It's okay...let's settle for GREATNESS!

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Remember that saying?

Last weekend I lost my wallet. It was turned in at the airline, but an employee of the airline tried to purchase gas with my credit card. HOW SAD IS THAT!

Focusing on the good in the situation- I'm happy they returned it to me and I'm grateful that American Express noticed a fraudulent charge.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

The Secret has bought a lot of attention to the POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING this year. It's amazing that it's taken this DVD and book to motivate people to change their thought patterns.

I firmly believe that we should focus on the good and positive in our lives instead of the negative. If you hate your job, be thankful that you have a job.

I've found that sometimes we have to look for the silver linings in our clouds. When you are experiencing times of difficulty focus on the good, if you can't find any good to focus on start small... be thankful that you are alive, be thankful for your health, be thankful that you can walk. By focusing on the good, you will see that the negative or bad things all of sudden seem trivial or superficial and more positive things will start to happen.

Monday, May 7, 2007

A Blessing to be a Blessing

A Blessing to be a Blessing

The other day I was thinking about a friend that has been a true blessing in my life no sooner than I thought about the blessing she had provided did I open a fortune cookie with a fortune that read"by helping someone today, you may also be helping yourself."

I believe that when we positively impact the lives of others in any shape or form we inadvertently positively impact our own lives. Furthermore, the simple fact that we are able to help someone or provide some type of value gives credence to the fact are we already BLESSED.

I challenge you to intentionally help someone this week. It could be as simple as offering to help someone with carrying a heavy load, buying groceries for your for someone you know that has lost their job or calling your grandmother just to chat. Be that unexpected BLESSING for someone this week and see how your life will be BLESSED in return.