Thursday, August 2, 2007

Life is Short

I've always believed that life is short. No one knows the moment, second, minute, hour, day month or year they are going to die. One could choke on a chicken bone or go peacefully in their sleep one night. The point that I am trying to make is that no one is invincible and as Chris Rock said in No Sex,"'re gonna to die."

Knowing that I am going to die has made me very intentional about the life I live. Those that personally know me, know that my personal mantra is Carpe Diem (Seize the day). I believe we have to make it our personal mission to seize the day. No one is going to make sure you are happy, that you spent enough time with your family, that you took vacation or that you went to the doctor for your yearly physical. It is each individuals responsibility to make sure that they are seizing the day.

I think Americans are obsessed with status, toys, tittles and money, but do those things really add to our life. They may provide temporary happiness, but they don't define people. When we die it's not the things that will miss us nor will they be our legacy. It's the people and the lives we have touched that will be impacted the most by our time here on earth.

Take some time to reflect on the life you are living. Are you living each day to it's fullest? Remember each day is a gift that's why they call it the present!



Anonymous said...

I'm going to steer clear of the chicken bones and continue to live for the moment. Thanks for the insight and gentle reminder.

Shelly said...

Who knew...I read this very thought when you first wrote it, not knowing that it would be the inspiration for the wording of our birthday gift to our dad! We're presenting dad with a crystal award for his 68th birthday, with an engraving entitled, "Carpe Diem." Ironically, the award pictured online reads: "Seize the Day," but we knew that dad would prefer the Latin word, as it has a much nicer ring to it. The body of the message for our engraving reads: "Your personal mantra has always been about having integrity, taking initiative, being productive and accountable, and doing more for others than they do for you. In our best estimate, 'You done good!'"

We will present the award to him on his birthday next month, and I just happened to be browsing through your entries this evening, and came across your heartfelt thought. Who knew that it would inspire thoughts of my own for a father who I love dearly, and who truly does seize every day. Of course, I can't take all of the credit for the message - both mom and Tiger added their finishing touches to help capture his true spirit. In fact, getting back to seizing the day, my brother learned from a pro, and he's the only one on this earth that I know who has my dad beat on living life to the fullest...but you're a close second Jasmine - keep on living!
